Looking Back: I have not been doing a good job keeping up with all of the posts I need to be doing, and I need to reassess my schedule so that I can be sure to get everything out of this class that it has to offer. I am happy with the writing I have done so far - I don't have a lot of chances to creatively write, and I've never considered it my strong suit, so some of the writing I've done for this class shows me that I can evolve my writing style.
Looking Forward: I want to have more fun with this class - it's unlike any class I've even taken and I would like to put it in a different spot in my schedule so that I can run with it.
Looking Forward: I want to have more fun with this class - it's unlike any class I've even taken and I would like to put it in a different spot in my schedule so that I can run with it.
I chose this image because the original Wonder Woman was such an inspiration to me growing up. I was very timid when I was younger, and my mom would always tell me to take a Wonder Woman stance like the one above when I was nervous about something. Other than literally helping your mind to feel less scared and promote confidence hormones, etc., it just reminded me that you can move forward, always, for the things you care about and want to accomplish.
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